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Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED?

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Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED? Empty Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED?

Post  conklins Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:03 am

New to the site and game, but I've taken the following to heart from the game play page:

"However, what’s cool about this project, is that it is completely open to a variety of different ways to use the cards. In other words, like a standard deck of playing cards, we hope these Phylo cards can spawn multiple uses."

I know the main game development is going on, but I have been thinking of several other possible games to play with the cards. I keep coming back to "race" games that would require more precise and wider range of MOVE values....

Which makes me wonder how the current MOVE values are decided upon anyway?

If MOVE has to stay the way it is (with very low values and not a lot of variety) would another keyword such as SPEED be viable? This could be a reflection of the top speed the organism can attain.

It looks like there are quite a few sources for the data. Of course, most explain some of the difficulties of accurately measuring such values, but it seems there are enough reference points to be able to make it at least as meaningful as MOVE.


Good resource:


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Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED? Empty Re: Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED?

Post  Forbidding Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:11 am

If MOVE has to stay the way it is (with very low values and not a lot of variety) would another keyword such as SPEED be viable? This could be a reflection of the top speed the organism can attain.

Um, if I’m understanding this right then I think you’re confused. The tern 'move' doesn’t refer to the organisms speed but refers to how many spaces you’re allowed to move the card itself.

You can view the current ruleset here:

If I'm wrong and you’re referring to making the cards usable in future game setups that differ from the current one then I don't see how the value of speed would fit in.

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Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED? Empty Re: Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED?

Post  conklins Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:29 pm

Forbidding wrote:Um, if I’m understanding this right then I think you’re confused. The tern 'move' doesn’t refer to the organisms speed but refers to how many spaces you’re allowed to move the card itself.

Correct, I understand that. So, given that MOVE needs to stay the way it is to make sense in terms of the current Ecosystem Building game, I'm saying that there could be another attribute that is more a reflection of the actual SPEED of the organism for use in other games (and just as an actual tidbit of factual knowledge about the organism).

Forbidding wrote:
If I'm wrong and you’re referring to making the cards usable in future game setups that differ from the current one then I don't see how the value of speed would fit in.

Well, the point is that it would open up the potential for other types of games that could use the value. For example, I was thinking of a fun race-type game for kids...sort of a "tortoise vs. hare" race game.


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Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED? Empty Re: Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED?

Post  Forbidding Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:34 pm

Correct, I understand that. So, given that MOVE needs to stay the way it is to make sense in terms of the current Ecosystem Building game, I'm saying that there could be another attribute that is more a reflection of the actual SPEED of the organism for use in other games (and just as an actual tidbit of factual knowledge about the organism).

Well, we don't want the card to contain more information than necessary to play the game. To keep it simple and easy to read, so unless a game setup arises that would need this attribute it's unlikely it will be used.

Well, the point is that it would open up the potential for other types of games that could use the value. For example, I was thinking of a fun race-type game for kids...sort of a "tortoise vs. hare" race game.

I don't think a 'race game' would work for these types of cards and it would probably be impossible to win a race with a plant card.

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Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED? Empty Re: Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED?

Post  davehwng Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:40 pm

Thanks Conklin for the suggestion. If possible however, it would be great to work with the current info on the cards. With the addition of the "point value," space is starting to be an issue!


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Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED? Empty Re: Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED?

Post  Monox D. I-Fly Sat Jan 02, 2016 1:31 am

Forbidding wrote:
Um, if I’m understanding this right then I think you’re confused. The tern 'move' doesn’t refer to the organisms speed but refers to how many spaces you’re allowed to move the card itself.

So, instead of speed, the keyword Move represents how large the radius a species can migrate, right?

Monox D. I-Fly

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Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED? Empty Re: Proposal: expand MOVE...or...add SPEED?

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