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Idea for Images

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Idea for Images Empty Idea for Images

Post  ravdawg Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:06 am

I had a quick idea to share about getting images. I know for myself, and for many students who have taken science related lab courses, we have slaved away at drawing microbes.

Perhaps if there is a demand for it, we could have a subset group of laboratory cultured microorganisms ranging from various Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes, to others. I'm sure there are a plenty of neat lab drawings floating around. It'd be cool also to indicate the magnification, so the person can get a grasp of it's relative size within the subset, in addition to the number indicator that Dave pointed out.

They could easily be touched up in Photoshop, or left as is, preference really.

[Fungi aren't as boring as they sound, I have a drawing of a Basidium that imitates Batman Laughing]


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Join date : 2010-03-26
Age : 34
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Idea for Images Empty Re: Idea for Images

Post  Pikachu Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:50 pm

Somehow tapping into this would be really cool! I just remember hearing long ago at a talk that it's a shame that the students I teach (these being in elementary school) know very little about microbes, even though they represent over 99% of the total biodiversity on the planet (or something like that).

Anything to increase awareness even at the most basic of level would be great! p.s. Love that picture - with a bit of shading and some color it could totally be a card!


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Join date : 2010-02-01

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Idea for Images Empty Re: Idea for Images

Post  davehwng Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:47 pm

I say game on! Microbes (speaking as an alumni of Microbiology) are awesome!


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