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Special abilities?

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Special abilities? Empty Special abilities?

Post  Paleo_Orca Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:24 pm

I was just wondering, have we discussed what some of the special abilities some cards might have?

For example, whether an animal is camouflage, poisonous, venomous, etc. Or if the creature is an 'oppurtunist' hunter/scavenger.

I suggest we discuss some of these special abilities that would make for interesting gameplay.

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Special abilities? Empty Re: Special abilities?

Post  davehwng Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:29 pm

Great idea! This would especially be pertinent once the game design is moving along more. The space in the middle of the card has been deliberately left blank for now, so that these kinds of things can be addressed.


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Special abilities? Empty Re: Special abilities?

Post  fenrislorsrai Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:33 pm

I swiped this list from a post futher down the forum, with suggestions for what a particular ability might do in game.

Seed Disperser- This Species gives any plant touching it +1 move. (normally plants have Move=0)
Invasive- This Species can be played on top of another Species of the same type (plant, animal, etc). Discard the Species it was played on.
Parasite- This Species is played UNDER another Species card of the same type. (example: Animal) It will move with it.
Saprophagous- when this species is played, take a card from your discard pile and place it on the bottom of your deck. (the classic graveyard retrieval mechanic, with a fancy scientific name)

swiped from this post

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Special abilities? Empty Re: Special abilities?

Post  ravdawg Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:17 am

I REALLY like the ideas fenrislorsrai referred too!

In addition for trees: Distinction on the common name level, Softwood vs. Hardwood. (E.G. Hardwoods would be stronger and way more involved)

I saw that someone posted a picture of Western Red Cedar, perhaps an ability of it(pending gameplay results) could be to release it's extractive contents as a form of attack!

So many ideas Cool


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