Can I Submit a New Battle Rule?
Can I Submit a New Battle Rule?
Over time, I noticed that Phylo has some new cards as well as some new rules regarding how to play. Also, since the very beginning Phylo encouraged us to create our own rules, right? Right now I'm into Pokemon TCG and I think it would be cool for Phylo to have a Battle option. In Pokemon, each Pokemon has at least one attack and some even have special Ability. However, that's not what I propose. My idea is that each Creature card (I forgot what it was called in Phylo, maybe Species?) has three effects: one ATTACK effect, one DEFENSE effect, and one DETECT effect. For example, the effects of a common Chameleon card is like this:
ATTACK effect: Spiral Swallow (representing how a chameleon's can shoot its tongue, sticks it to an insect, and roll it back). The effect is said Chameleon can eat an Insect 2 spaces from it.
DEFENSE effect: Color Camouflage (representing how a chameleon can change color). The effect is to put the card face-down as long as there's an enemy species which relies on sight, making it undetected.
DETECT effect: 360° Sight (representing how a chameleon can see 360°). The effect makes the chameleon can attack all directions.
If you guys don't mind, I will try to make each available Species cards on Phylo to have the three ability. Also, if double-posting is allowed in this forum, I will just do it one card per post. What do you guys think?
ATTACK effect: Spiral Swallow (representing how a chameleon's can shoot its tongue, sticks it to an insect, and roll it back). The effect is said Chameleon can eat an Insect 2 spaces from it.
DEFENSE effect: Color Camouflage (representing how a chameleon can change color). The effect is to put the card face-down as long as there's an enemy species which relies on sight, making it undetected.
DETECT effect: 360° Sight (representing how a chameleon can see 360°). The effect makes the chameleon can attack all directions.
If you guys don't mind, I will try to make each available Species cards on Phylo to have the three ability. Also, if double-posting is allowed in this forum, I will just do it one card per post. What do you guys think?
Monox D. I-Fly- Posts : 49
Join date : 2012-11-22
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